Descubrimientos PHE

Descubrimientos PHE

3 June 2014 - 5 June 2014 Centro de Arte Alcobendas

Organised by: Alcobendas Town Council. PHotoEspaña
In collaboration with: Consejería de Empleo, Turismo y Cultura de la Comunidad de Madrid

Sign up to Descubrimientos PHE. The portfolio review gives photographers the chance to show their work to curators, galerist and publishers from all over the world with the objetive of generating professional outlets for their work. For the third year will be held at the Centro de Arte Alcobendas from June 3th to 5th June. Each participant will have seven appointments.

Some of reviewers confirmed are:
Nadine Barth. Consulting editor for photography art books, Hatje Cantz Verlag, Germany
Ann Christin Bertrand. Photography curator. C/O Berlín, Germany
Sergio Burgi. Photography coordinator at Instituto Moreira Salles, Brasil
Albertine de Galbert. Independent Curator, Arts Manager and founder of, platform of contemporany art, France
Jean Paul Deridder. Director of Fondation A Stichting, Belgium
Chiara Mariana Nilla. Photo editor Il Corriere Della Sera, Italy
Greg Hobson. Photography director. National Media Museum de Bradford, UK
Nathalie Herschdorfer. Director of Festival Alt + 1000 and curator at Foundation for the Exhibition of Photography, Switzerland
Kim Knoppers. Curator at Foam Fotografiemuseum Amsterdam, Netherlands
Pippa Oldfield. Head of Programmes. Impressions Gallery, Bradford. UK
Benoït Rivero. Publishing director of Actes Sud, France
Itala Schmelz. Director of Centro de la Imagen, México
Raphaëlle Stopin. Curator and writer. Artistic director of Hyères Festival, France
Roger Tooth. Head of Photography for The Guardian, The Observer and the website, UK

Sign up before February 27 of 2014.
Finalists from the three portfolio-viewing events, Brasil, Caracas and Madrid, will compete for the Descubrimientos PHE Award. Last year winner Nancy Newberry (USA) will present her work Halfway to Midland at Centro de Arte Alcobendas in the official program of PHotoEspaña14.
For more information, see: LINK