16 October 2014 19.30 hCentro de Arte Alcobendas

Ellen Kooi (Leeuwarden, Holland, 1962) is one of the most reputed Dutch contemporary photographers and her work was exhibited at a large number of museums and institutions in Europe and the USA.
Ellen Kooi unfolds a harsh encounter between mankind and nature, between each person and their environment, a complex and troubled relationship that today we must rethink more than ever and that still has to be reinvented. Moreover, her images reflect peacefulness and a particular Nordic coldness, only apparent as below that mantle of quietness a number of intense sensations are hidden: restlessness, isolation, surprise, or fear. Her "landscapes with figures" echo the great Flemish masters of the past like Vermeer, Brueghel, Patinir or Bosch.

Ellen Kooi’s photographic images are much more than just an individual expression -by an artist- but constitute a collective expression, a national spirit in which we see ourselves reflected despite not being Dutch. Her works are collected by both private and public collections across the world like MUSAC, BESart, MoPA San Diego, and Frans Hals Museum.