Great Chorus of händel, mozart and vivaldi

Great Chorus of händel, mozart and vivaldiOrquesta Clásica Santa Cecilia Excelentia Choral Academy

29 March 2014 19.30 hAuditorium15€

Miguel Ángel García Cañamero

Chorus of The Mesías de Händel
And the glory of the Lord
And he shall purify the sons of Levi
For unto us a child is born
Pifa (Instrumental)
Surely he has borne our griefs
And with his stripes we are healed
Lift up your heads, O ye gates
Worthy is the Lamb

Chorus of Gloria de Vivaldi
Gloria in excelsis Deo RV 588
Et in terra pax (Chorus)
Propter magnam gloria
Domine, Fili unigenite
Cum Sancto Spiritu

Chorus of Mozart Motetes
Ave Verum
Sancta Maria Mater Dei