No habíamos terminado de hablar sobre el amor. Joël Andrianomearisoa

No habíamos terminado de hablar sobre el amor. Joël Andrianomearisoa

12 September 2018 - 17 November 2018 Centro de Arte Alcobendas

In Joël Andrianomearisoa's work melancholy, memories and personal narrative are intertwined in the physical and emotional memory of the materials that the artist uses to build his pieces. The individual exhibition No habíamos terminado de hablar sobre el Amor invites the visitor to go through a story in six acts where structures, silk paper and textiles invoke memories and feelings.

The show extends beyond the exhibition areas of the center, invading the media library and other areas of the museum, in which the artist intervenes with textual works on vinyl. The work of Joël Andrianomearisoa (Antananarivo, 1977) is a research on light: as if he was a painter Andrianomearisoa works with volume, matter and light using, instead of pigments and oil, textiles and the color black as a point of departure.