2 July 2021 22.30 hPlaza Artesanía AlcobendasEntrada libre

Night Photograph seeks the dissemination and promotion of photography and of the collection of the Centro de Arte Alcobendas. Taking advantage of the arrival of summer the photo exhibit is a projection outdoors where you can admire the work of both established artists and novice photographers. A good opportunity to share with friends, professionals and amateurs a magical night.

Greta Alfaro - Angélica Dass - Martí Llorens - Maider López - Ramón Masats - Txema Salvans - Begoña Zubero

PIC.A selected:
Esteban Azañedo - Javier de las Casas - David Fernández - Adoración Gómez - Elena Lenguas Silva - Javier López Benito - Alberto Moreno - Miguel Requejo - Ana Valdés