Instant Continuous.PHOTOESPAÑA 2015

Instant Continuous.PHOTOESPAÑA 2015Álvaro Calvo - Angélica Suela de la Llave - Beatriz Polo Iáñez - Claudio de la Cal - Esteban Lahoz - Gabriela Navarro - Iván Clemente - Mar León - Pepe Guinea

1 June 2015 - 27 June 2015 Centro Cultural Anabel Segura

The photographers who have taken the PHotoEspaña Masters Programme. Theory and artistic and practices in PIC.A PHotoEspaña International Centre Alcobendas, present a set of images that reflect upon time, starting from the idea that the photographic image suspends the moment and exists in a present continuous.
Through this proposal, and using images from their own holdings and from new productions, the students have created an installation with images in which they turn to a montage of sequences and repetitions in order to generate a conceptual and visual reflection on how we perceive time in photography. The exhibition makes the spectator a witness to an explosion, perceptible traces night landscape, the timelessness of the digital archive, the intervened image that fragments the capturing of a picture.
The diversity of proposals is a reflection of the different careers of their authors, who have enriched the course with their training in different areas of the image, ranging from advertising and journalism to authorship photography, painting and drawing.