family concerts

family concerts

For the first time, the City of Alcobendas Foundation presents this cycle, designed for the youngest to regularly approach classical music and, in a playful and educational way, discover the excitement of the encounter with this art.

The musicians of the Santa Cecilia Classical Orchestra will perform from the great periods of classical music, and will interpret the most iconic pieces of each of them: Bach, Mozart and Beethoven are among the authors of whom we shall learn their history and the time in which they lived. A narrator, an expert music critic with extensive experience in educational concerts, will explain in detail each of these great works, accompanied by images projected on a screen.

As a special proposal in San Isidro, in the month of May there will be a special concert of zarzuela, with the hope that children will delve more into this so cheerful, charming and popular music. From the City of Alcobendas Foundation we strongly believe that music brings great values in the education of children, and in their way of understanding life, and we trust that children and adults enjoy this new proposal.
