1 January 2013 - 30 June 2013 Several Spaces

Nine exhibitions, more than fifty authors, meetings and workshops, make the city of Alcobendas the capital city of photography

The celebration of the 20th Anniversary of the Alcobendas Collection intends to be one of the most important cultural events of the winter in the Community of Madrid.

Alcobendas will become, for two months,the photographic capital.Over twenty years of uninterrupted work, has managed to create a collection of photography of national reference where all trends of photography are represented. The importance of this event, the publication of a catalogue with the new acquisitions, the thematic richness of the exhibitions, the activities such as workshops, meetings and tours, are a strong evidence of a firm commitment from the city of Alcobendas with the culture of contemporary image.

Once more, since the beginning of the collection, nine exhibitions, mostly from their funds, will be able to be seen, filling all exhibition places in Alcobendas including this time CosmoCaixa, the landmark building of the Metrópoli Foundation, and the José Saramago Exhibition Hall in Leganes city.

This guide includes in detail all activities that bring together this important cultural event.

Images gallery

Anniversary activities