The donated work comes from his production for his solo exhibition at the Helga de Alvear gallery in 1996 titled: This city is not big enough for both, with which Miura breaks with his earlier stage directing his look to the urban landscape where lights and colours in the streets, speed and movement are predominant, with more vibrant and aggressive results than in his previous production. They are three-dimensional objects with very vivid, artificial and dense colour ranges. A key factor in these pieces is the concept of assembly and spatial organization of them, as he does not hang them as paintings but placed them perpendicular to the wall to increase the sense of dynamism and instability.

Mitsuo Miura (Iwate, Japan, 1946). He is a Japanese resident in Spain and one of the foremost artists of his generation. He is considered one of the first abstract artists of our country and has worked in many different fields (sculpture, collage, drawing, installation, painting, photography, etc ...) which define him as modern landscaper since his contemplation of the landscape through colour and from feelings, emotions and experiences is his central feature and the axis of his artistic conception.