Alex Webb
American photographer Alex Webb born in 1952 in San Francisco was the first awarded of the International Photography Award of Alcobendas in its first edition. The jury wanted to recognize that way "the great human and technical quality" of his photographs, which show widespread "intense lyrical and realistic" of childhood, ultimately the human.
Alex Webb considers himself a patient observer and said: "I only know to approach a place walking. I walk, observe, wait and talk, and then, after having observed and waited little longer, I try to be an informant for the unexpected, the unknown, or the hidden heartbeat that awaits in the next corner ".
Alex Webb (San Francisco, 1952) studied history and literature at Harvard and photography at the Carpenter Centre for the Visual Arts at the same university, and in the Apeiron Photography Workshop in 1972, beginning his career as a photojournalist in 1974. Having worked for prestigious magazines such as Life, Geo, and the New York Times Magazine. Webb joined the Magnum Photos agency known as an associate member in 1976, becoming a full member in 1979. For his work, Webb used the Leica M6, a camera relatively small and quick, which is almost always attached a 35mm. Saving similarities with Lee Friedlander and Henri Cartier-Bresson.