Links of interest

  • Playing the Arts
    The blog with which we intend to give life to the book Playing the Arts. A place to share information with, for, from, to, on, over, beyond, near this side of the pedagogical book. A place for the exchange.

  • EducaThyssen
    Didactic Program developed from the Education Department of the Thyssen-Bornemisza, a place of meeting, exchange of knowledge, a reflection of the activities taking place in the museum where visitors can enjoy a comprehensive way of Art.

  • Museo Reina Sofía
    Reina Sofia Museum's website where you can find multimedia resources such as audio guides, videos, interactive games that will help you prepare your visit and keep enjoying the museum works whenever you want.

  • MUPAI (Museo Pedagógico de Arte Infantil)
    Pedagogical Museum of Children's Art website, the first museum in Spain dedicated to arts education and children as art producers, with the intention of encouraging and promoting the creative arts for children and adolescents. Currently, this small museum is a meeting place for children and adolescents and those interested in education and art

  • Menudo Arte
    Page where to find teaching resources on art for all ages and all types, as well as links to museums, websites, hobbies, etc ...

  • EduCaixa
    Website of the Social Projects of La Caixa which offers educational resources adapted to different educational levels and different related areas: culture, science ...

  • Vamos al Museo
    A guide to the best museums to visit with children and families. It has basic information when preparing such schedules visits, workshops, tours and activities that can be performed in different museums

  • Madrid para niños
    Information from Madrid Council to find information on places to visit and activities to do in the city.