Liam Gillick
Liam Gillick (Aylesbury, United Kingdom, 1964)
Nopuedocontestaresapreguntaesunacuestióndeconciencia, 2003
Aluminium. 400 x 400 x 400 cm
Location: Calle Joaquín Rodrigo
Liam Gillick builds a simple sculpture but charged about meaning. A space to think, a discussion and exchange platform. A big aluminum cube, in which sides you can read a sentence about artist's conscience and, at the same time, spectator's conscience. Nopuedocontestaresapreguntaesunacuestióndeconciencia makes the viewer think about what would be the question who he could avoid the answer.
Beyond the esthetic sense of the work Gillick focuses in the actual process of communication, negotiation, and discussion between persons and ideas and the bureaucrats who govern the nations. His finality is foment the dialogue and the reflexion between spectators and his social funcion in art.
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