Comics, cartoons or manga refer to the same thing, sequential art, as Will Eisner would call it. A literary and artistic style, through drawings and words or not, that tells us a story. A form of expression of popular culture that, on many occasions, has served as gateway to the vast and rich world of literature..
Alcobendas Mediatheques do not ignore this phenomenon and want to make available to the public a collection that contains a good sample of styles, trends and contents of the gender.
Access and use of collection
- The Comictheque is located in the Mediatheque for adults, in the second floor of the building.
- The user can borrow a máximum of 4 books and/or comics from the Mediatheque.
- The collection of comics for children is located in the Mediatheque for children, in the second floor of the building.
The comic collection is sorted and organized on shelves according its geographical:
- C AME Amercian comic.
- C EUR European comic.
- C ESP Spanish and Latin American comic.
- C MAN Manga
- C HUM Humour comic.
- C PUB Puclications on comics.
Within each group, the comics are structured by authors, the starring character or collection.
There some authors that due to their geographical origin are not part of any of these groups. These authors were classified according to their usual place of
publication. This applies, for example, Strapi Marjane, Iranian author who usually deals with social issues and so does not enter into any of the groups described
above. As the country where he has been published and has been released is France he would enter the European Comic category.
Paco Roca
Spanish Comic classified by character.
Signatura: C ESP roc
Las historias de Alan Moore
American Comic classified by character.
Signatura: C AME supPersépolis
Marjane Strapi Iranian author who publishes in Francea. . It would enter the European Comic category.
Signatura: C EUR sat