Services in room
The “Mediateca” for adults of the “Centro de Arte Alcobendas” is located at the second floor of the centre.It has 24 Internet posts, 10 posts of office automation, 2 computers for disabled people, 1 printer, 14 posts for chillout reading, 2 posts for consulting the catalogue of “mediatecas” (OPAC) and 2 posts of auto-lending documents. It offers access to the world of knowledge, information and leisure trough all its services.
Information at Room
Guiding the user is the aim of this section, created for meeting the informative needs of the visitor. From it (this section) all the enquires about the running of the “mediatecas” and bibliographic information are attended. Suggestions and complaints are also collected, as well as it is provided the information about special programs of individual access or for groups: guided visits, users training, calendar of activities, new technologies training, etc.
Centres of interest
Part of the bibliographic collection of the “Mediateca” for adults is organized by centres of interest. One centre of interest is an ensemble of documents (books, DVD, CD-ROM or CD) that deal with a concrete topic. Located in distinguished helves and specially signed, the topic chosen try to respond to the users’ interests and needs. The centres of interest are a dynamic way of discovering the library’s funds and try to improve their accessibility, provide self-sufficiency to the public and offer new thematic sections that are of their interest.
Among these centres of interest are mentioned: historical novel, horror novel, detective novel, fantastic novel, science-fiction novel, self-help, employment, travel guides, accessibility and computing.
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The centre of interest Accessibility gathers varied documents that facilitate access to read at different collectives. It includes audiobooks, books with big letters and books with adapted versions. This centre of interest is part of the accessible program for the Medatetheques and the borrowing of simple reading devices (magnifiers), adapted computers and furniture, height adjustable OPACs, low counters, etc.
Internet and Office computer programs Services
The Mediatheque service is free, with the following exceptions: Internet for adults have a cost of 0.20 euros per hour. People over 65 can use Internet for an hour for free by
presenting their ID card, Monday to Friday, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Internet can be used for unlimited periods of one hour each, except when there is a waiting list, in which case
he using time cannot be extended for a new period.
Oficce computer programs: it can be used for unlimited time except when there is a waiting list.
Printer: There bond for 20 prints to print text or image, prints 10 for the price of 1 euro.
Digital Equipment and Multimedia
Two posts of viewing DVD films in the room. This Mediatheque is specialized in four film genres: horror, science fiction films, historical film and thriller. It also has a section for documentaries and films of other genres.
Four audio equipments to listen to music installed on computers with digitized background sound available in the Mediatheque (specializing in world music, soundtracks and jazz).
Consulting and study room
This room contains the collections of works destined for their consult inside the Mediateca itself. These spaces, that satisfy the ideal conditions, require the co-operation of everyone to maintain the necessary silent atmosphere.
The access requirement is being older than 14 years old.
It is offered 100 posts for reading and studying (prepared to connect portable devices to the electrical network), 16 posts for team working (divided in 3 areas) and 1 post for consulting the OPAC and books of reference.
The room has Wi-Fi connection for working with portable devices. Opening the explorer it is possible to access the portal of the “mediateca Centro de Arte Alcobendas”.
Printed works: Are organized around three big areas:
1. Dictionaries and general encyclopedias
2. Manuals and thematic encyclopedias organized by the CDU
3. Quick reference works: repertoires, directories, guides and manuals for “seletividad”
It is found in this room the centre of interest dedicated to contemporary art: a bibliographical collection about contemporary art, axis of the centre where the Mediateca is located. This fund has more than 600 documents and complement the expositions programmed at the “Centro”,
The room has a special exams schedule, with three annual periods: January, May/June and August/September.