General issues
Mediatheque Children
Which are the opening hours of the Mediatheque for children?
The opening hours of the Mediatheque for children at the Alcobendas Art Centre is from Monday to Friday from 5 m 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.
How do children register for the Mediatheque?
To register as reader children must be accompanied by a parent or tutor, who must authorize them to use the service.
What is the schedule for returning and loaning of documents?
The loan service closes 15 minutes before closing the Mediatheque, at 19.45 in the Children Mediatheque
Can Mediatheque document be returned out of schedule?
The loan service closes 15 minutes before closing the Mediatheque, at 19.45 in the Children Mediatheque.
Can you access the Internet from the Mediatheque?
The Children Mediatheque at the Alcobendas Art Centre has 8 Internet access positions. Children can use one of these positions once a day for half an hour.
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